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English for Agribusiness and Agriculture in Higher Education Studies (+ Audio CD)

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3106.24 руб.
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English for Agribusiness and Agriculture in Higher Education Studies The Garnet Education English for Specific Academic Purposes series won the Duke of Edinburgh English Speaking Union English Language Book Award in 2009. English for AgriBusiness and Agriculture is a skills-based course designed specifically for students of agribusiness or agriculture who are about to enter English-medium tertiary level studies. It provides carefully graded practice and progressions in the key academic skills that all students need, such as listening to lectures and speaking in seminars. It also equips students with the specialist agribusiness and agriculture language they need to participate successfully within an agribusiness or agriculture studies faculty. Extensive listening exercises come from agribusiness and agriculture lectures, and all reading texts are taken from the same field of study. There is also a focus throughout on the key agribusiness and agriculture vocabulary that students will need. *Listening: how to understand and take effective notes on extended lectures, including how to follow the argument and identify the speaker's point of view. *Speaking: how to participate effectively in a variety of realistic situations, from seminars to presentations, including how to develop an argument and use stance markers. *Reading: how to understand a wide range of texts, from academic textbooks to Internet articles, including how to analyze complex sentences and identify such things as the writer's stance. *Writing: how to produce coherent and well-structured assignments, including such skills as paraphrasing and the use of the appropriate academic phrases. *Vocabulary: a wide range of activities to develop students' knowledge and use of key vocabulary, both in the field of agribusiness and agriculture and of academic study in general. *Vocabulary and Skills banks: a reference source to provide students with revision of the key words and phrases and skills presented in each unit. *Full transcripts of all listening exercises. The Garnet English for Specific Academic Purposes series covers a range of academic subjects. All titles present the same skills and vocabulary points. Teachers can therefore deal with a range of ESAP courses at the same time, knowing that each subject title will focus on the same key skills and follow the same structure. Key Features * Systematic approach to developing academic skills through relevant content. * Focus on receptive skills (reading and listening) to activate productive skills (writing and speaking) in subject area. * Eight-page units combine language and academic skills teaching. * Vocabulary and academic skills bank in each unit for reference and revision. * Audio CDs for further self-study or homework. * Ideal coursework for EAP teachers.
Добавлен в каталог: Четверг, 26.10.2017

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