VARG7 | Дата: Понедельник, 30.09.2024, 12:46 | Сообщение # 1 |
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Установите соответствие между текстами A–E и рубриками 1–6. Используйте каждую рубрику только один раз. В задании одна рубрика лишняя. 1. Having fun 2. Help yourself 3. Places to visit 4. Geography facts 5. Animal facts 6. Variety of weather conditions A. There are some important facts one should know about climate in Russia. This country consists of several continental zones. For example, in the north winters are long and harsh, in some places there is often a heavy fall of snow and temperatures fall below –40 degrees Celsius. These winters are normal, not only in the northern regions of the country but even in the Far East. Summers in these areas haven’t seen even three warm months in recent years. B. Russia may not be the first to come to mind when you think of a food destination, but this country has plenty of delicious traditional dishes to try. Visitors are often surprised at the variety and flavours of Russian cuisine, which is influenced by Russia's connection to different countries in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. The most classic Russian recipes are made of veggies and wheat, such as soups, porridges, and stuffed dough. C. The main tourist routes in Russia include visits to Moscow and St. Petersburg, resort establishments in the Krasnodar and Stavropol regions, the Kaliningrad region, the ski resorts of the Caucasus and Siberia, the Golden Ring of Russia, cruises along the Volga, cruises on an icebreaker to the national park “Russian Arctic”, trips on the Trans-Siberian Railway (the Altai Mountains, Lake Baikal), travelling to the volcanoes of Kamchatka and Primorye. D. New Year's Eve is one of the most important holidays on the Russian calendar. New Year in Russia is a time for being together with family and friends, for gift giving, decorating the New Year tree, and watching and setting off fireworks. By tradition, at midnight people listen to the Russian Federation President’s greeting and the Kremlin bells chime. E. The Siberian Husky is a beautiful dog with a thick coat that comes in a multitude of colours and markings. Their blue or multi-coloured eyes add to the appeal of this breed, which originated in Siberia. It is easy to see why many people are enchanted by the Husky, but be aware that this athletic, intelligent dog can be independent and challenging for first-time dog owners.
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Вот правильные соответствия текстов и рубрик:
• A. 4. Geography facts - Текст A говорит о климатических условиях в России, о том, как различается погода в разных регионах. • B. 2. Help yourself - Текст B рассказывает о традиционной русской кухне, о том, что можно попробовать в России. • C. 3. Places to visit - Текст C перечисляет популярные туристические маршруты в России. • D. 1. Having fun - Текст D описывает празднование Нового года в России, традиции и развлечения, связанные с этим праздником. • E. 5. Animal facts - Текст E говорит о сибирском хаски, о его внешнем виде, характере и происхождении.
Лишняя рубрика: 6. Variety of weather conditions - Эта тема не затрагивается ни в одном из текстов.
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